1 | How often should your CPR skills be refreshed?Select correct answer. |
2 | Which phone numbers are used to contact Emergency Response Services?Select correct answer. |
3 | When you contact Emergency Services via Triple Zero (000), you should...Select 3 correct answers. |
4 | When handing a casualty over to paramedics, what information should you provide?Select correct answer. |
5 | Common law in all states in Australia imposes an automatic duty on first aiders to go to the aid of every casualty they come across.Select True or False. |
6 | First aiders have a legal obligation (duty of care) to render assistance in an emergency if:Select 2 correct answers. |
7 | When dealing with a casualty in an emergency situation, a workplace first aider…Select 3 correct answers. |
8 | If a competent adult does not consent to you providing first aid treatment, you must respect their decision and not proceed with any treatment.Select True or False. |
9 | When the casualty is unconscious or not breathing, the legal requirement for obtaining consent before assistance/treatment is...Select correct answer. |
10 | As a first aider how can we display respectful behaviour towards the casualty?Select 3 correct answers. |
11 | Privacy principles allow you to provide only appropriate information about the incident and condition of the casualty to Emergency Services personnel and/or the workplace supervisorSelect True or False - Refer to page 11 of your First Aid eBook Link |
12 | In order to save a life, first aiders may ignore the limitations of their first aid training and carry out actions they are not trained to do, e.g. cutting a small incision in the base of the neck so the person can breathe again.Select True or False - Refer to page 11 of your First Aid of your First Aid eBook Link |
13 | What is a 'code of Practice' (COP) for First Aid?Select 3 correct answers. |
14 | In case of an emergency, medication including analgesics like paracetamol and aspirin can be included in first aid kitsSelect true or false. |
15 | Contents of a workplace first aid kit should provide basic equipment and supplies in administering first aid for:Select 3 correct answers. |
16 | Based on their own risk assessment, a workplace can include an asthma-relieving inhaler and/or spacer to treat asthma attacks in their first aid kits, as well as epinephrine auto-injector for anaphylaxisSelect true or false. |
17 | At most workplaces, what first aid procedures may be in place?Select 2 correct answers. |
18 | After an emergency situation, what communications should follow?Select 2 correct answers. |
19 | After a workplace incident requiring first aid, why is it beneficial to review the first aid response?Select 3 correct answers. |
20 | After responding to an emergency CPR or first aid situation, what is the purpose of debriefing?Select correct answer - Refer to page 16-17 of your First Aid eBook Link |
21 | After assisting in an emergency incident, signs that you may need help to deal with it include:Select correct answer |
22 | Which stress-management techniques and support may be required following an emergency situation?Select correct answer |
23 | What infection control principles and precautions can be used when dealing with an emergency situation?Select 3 correct answers. |
24 | What infection control principles and precautions can be used during treatment of casualties?Select 2 correct answers. |
25 | The ARC Basic Life Support flow chart to follow in an emergency is: Select correct answer |
26 | What does DRSABCD stand for?Select correct answer |
27 | The correct Chain of Survival order is "Early ..." Select correct answer |
28 | There's a workplace accident and you find a colleague lying on the ground. Your first action should be to: Select correct answer |
29 | What risks and hazards may be involved in an emergency situation? Select correct answer |
30 | How do you check for a response from a casualty? Select correct answer |
31 | The correct way to open the airway while administering rescue breaths on an adult or child is to… Select correct answer |
32 | When should a casualty be placed into the recovery (lateral) position? Select 2 correct answers. |
33 | How do you assess for normal breathing in an unconscious casualty? Select 3 correct answers |
34 | A work colleague is found slumped in their chair. They are unconscious but breathing normally. You should: Select correct answer |
35 | When should CPR commence? Select 2 correct answers. |
36 | While administering rescue breaths on an infant, which statements are correct? Select 3 correct answers. |
37 | When performing chest compressions, which statements are correct? Select 3 correct answers. |
38 | When performing CPR, which three (3) statements are correct? Select 3 correct answers. |
39 | With multiple first aiders performing CPR on a casualty, be sure to… Select 2 correct answers. |
40 | To perform chest compressions on an adult, you should place the heel of your hand in the centre of the chest with the other hand on top.Select true or false |
41 | When performing infant CPR, which two (2) statements are correct? Select 2 correct answers. |
42 | When administering rescue breaths, which statement is correct? Select correct answer |
43 | When a rescuer performs CPR on a casualty and an AED is brought to the scene, the rescuer should... Select correct answer |
44 | The first aider should stop performing CPR when... Select 2 correct answers. |
45 | Watch this 6 minute Bondi Rescue video for further insights:Click here to view CPR video |
46 | Which 3 statements are correct for appropriate use of an Automated External Defibrillator (AED)? |
47 | All currently available AED's perform regular self-checks. If there is a problem detected it will be indicated by a visible light or audible alert soundSelect correct answer. |
48 | What are some necessary steps for storing and maintaining an AED?Select 3 correct answers |
49 | What safety aspects need to be applied when operating an AED? |
50 | An infant with a severe airway obstruction should be treated by: |
51 | A person with a mild airway obstruction should be treated by: |
52 | What are some signs and symptoms for severe/complete airway obstruction? |
53 | Answer the following 17 questions based on the provided CPR scenario below. A link will be provided per question as you will need to refer back to the scenario or First Aid eBook. Imagine this was a real situation and how you would react, manage and report the incident. When answering these questions, imagine how you’d feel and which actions you’d take after the event.
54 | What did you witness / what did you find when you arrived on the scene? Link Select 2 correct answers |
55 | How would
you assess for danger and minimise risk? Link
Select 3 correct answers |
56 | How would
you conduct a visual and verbal assessment of
the casualty in this situation? Link
Select 2 correct answers |
57 | Note the Incident Details as per the provided
scenario: |
58 | Note the Incident Details as per the provided
scenario: |
59 | Note the Casualty Details as per the provided
scenario: |
60 | Note the initial observations you made of the
casualty before you commenced first aid/CPR? |
61 | Note the initial observations you made of the
casualty before you commenced first aid/CPR? |
62 | State the main location of injury, illness or
problem |
63 | What was the suspected nature of the
injury / trauma / illness? |
64 | Which
of the 3 options below lists the actions required to manage |
65 | What
happened once you finished assisting
the casualty? Link |
66 | How
would you recognise if you or others need additional support for possible psychological impacts after
facing such a scenario? |
67 | From the four (4) options listed below, select
two (2) that correctly identify avenues a first aider may choose for support |
68 | Note the Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
provided as per the scenario. What appropriate equipment / PPE was
on hand and readily available? |
69 | What
additional training could help
you improve or correctly provide First Aid or CPR in this situation? |
70 | A heart attack is the same as a cardiac arrest? |
71 | A person appears to be having a heart attack with severe symptoms lasting over 10 minutes. How should this be managed? |
72 | Some signs and symptoms of a suspected heart attack may include:Select 3 correct answers. |
73 | If you think someone is having a stroke, you should... |
74 | Which identifying method should you use when you suspect someone is having a stroke? |
75 | You suspect that a person at a shopping centre is having a stroke because...Select 2 correct answers. |
76 | At the office a colleague falls over. They lose consciousness. Their body stiffens and limbs jerk lasting for three minutes. Select correct answer. |
77 | The best ways to help a child having a seizure is to:Select 3 correct answers. |
78 | Common triggers of asthma are: |
79 | Symptoms and signs of a severe asthma attack are: |
80 | What are some of the procedures for managing a severe asthma attack? |
81 | Some signs and symptoms for a mild to moderate allergic reaction are: |
82 | Common triggers of allergic reactions, including anaphylaxis, are:Select correct answer. |
83 | Some signs and symptoms for a severe allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) are:Select 2 correct answers. |
84 | The appropriate first aid response for a severe allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) includes: |
85 | The appropriate first aid response for a mild to moderate allergic reaction includes: |
86 | Steps involved in administering an adrenaline autoinjector (EpiPen) are: |
87 | If uncertain whether it is anaphylaxis or asthma, you should: |
88 | What bronchodilators can be used to treat an asthma attack?Select 2 correct answers |
89 | All diabetic emergencies are treated as hypoglycaemia or low blood sugar |
90 | If a person known to have diabetes appears shaky or dizzy, how should they be helped? |
91 | You suspect that a family member who has been living with diabetes may be experiencing hypoglycaemia or low blood sugar. Select 3 correct answers. |
92 | During a party, a man is found floating face-down in a pool. Your immediate action is to: |
93 | You have just pulled a casualty out from a body of water. What are some signs and symptoms for a suspected drowning? |
94 | Compression-only CPR is not the recommended resuscitation method for a drowning victim as it fails to address the casualty’s need for immediate ventilation |
95 | The treatment for exertion-related dehydration is any commercially available “sports drink”. |
96 | Hyperthermia has various stages. What is the correct order of symptom escalation and seriousness of outcomes? |
97 | The best ways to help a person with a heat-induced illness (hyperthermia) are to: |
98 | On a very hot humid day you find a jogger collapsed on the footpath. You suspect heat stroke because… |
99 | What are the effects when the body is experiencing mild hypothermia (cold)? |
100 | The best ways to raise the temperature of a casualty suffering from hypothermia (cold) are to: |
101 | R.I.C.E.R is the recommended care/treatment for both sprains and strains |
102 | A child has fallen over and twisted their ankle and you suspect they have sprained it. What signs or symptoms suggest this? |
103 | A netballer jumps to block the ball. When they land an audible ‘pop’ is heard. They are in pain when they move their leg, have tenderness and discomfort when trying to put weight on it and there is discernible deformity to the muscle area. Based on the incident and signs and symptoms, what injury do you suspect? |
104 | A teammate sprains their ankle playing AFL. How can you treat the sprain? |
105 | In the options below, what is the correct procedure for treating a dislocated shoulder? |
106 | You suspect a football player has a dislocated shoulder because... Select 2 correct answers. |
107 | A fracture is the same as a dislocation. |
108 | An open fracture can be recognised where... |
109 | What is the simplest type of fracture? |
110 | The first aid guidelines to manage and treat a fracture are: |
111 | The management priorities of a suspected neck/spinal injury are: |
112 | A tradesman is working at an elevated height when you notice him slip and fall from his ladder. You suspect spinal/neck injuries because...Select 3 correct answers. |
113 | An unconscious breathing casualty with a suspected spinal injury should be carefully placed into the recovery position. |
114 | What are some of the signs and symptoms that would indicate a person has suffered from concussion (shaken brain)?Select 3 correct answers. |
115 | A casualty who has sustained a head injury, whether they lost consciousness or not, should be assessed by a healthcare professional |
116 | The factory worker has his hand on his eye. You suspect a minor eye injury because… |
117 | A casualty has a grain of sand in their eye. The best way to treat the eye is to: |
118 | What type of burn is it when a burn has gone through the second layer of skin? |
119 | A person has just burnt themselves by accidentally pressing their hand on a hot plate (cook top) while it was on. You suspect a 'full thickness burn' because you see that the hand:Select correct answer. |
120 | What are some procedures for managing a burn caused by a heat source? |
121 | What are some signs that a casualty has an incision?Select 2 correct answers. |
122 | What are some of the steps for treating a nose bleed? |
123 | Besides seeing bleeding from either or both nostrils, what other signs are there that a person has a nose bleed? |
124 | A casualty should seek medical help if a nose bleed does not stop within how many minutes? Select correct answer. |
125 | What is meant by "basic wound care"? |
126 | Basic care of a minor wound involves: |
127 | Non-life threatening external bleeding can be controlled by: |
128 | How would you recognise life-threatening bleeding?Select correct answer. |
129 | Arterial tourniquets are a measure of last resort. They should only be used on a limb in a life-threatening situation where direct pressure has failedSelect correct answer. |
130 | What should be followed if a constrictive bandage (Arterial Tourniquet) needs to be applied?Select 3 correct answers. |
131 | What are some signs and symptoms for shock? |
132 | Treatment for shock includes what steps? |
133 | The most common sharps injuries are from needle sticks, typically on the index finger and thumb |
134 | How should a casualty with a needle stick injury be treated? Select 2 correct answers. |
135 | A child has swallowed a chemical. Your immediate actions should be to: |
136 | There are a wide variety of poisonous substances, fortunately they all present with similar signs and symptoms. |
137 | While bushwalking, your friend bends down to tie their shoelaces. They suddenly react saying that something has bitten their hand. You suspect a snake bite because of the following signs and symptoms:Select 2 correct answers. |
138 | How should you treat someone who has been bitten by a Brown Snake? |
139 | How should you treat someone who has been bitten by a Red Back Spider? |
140 | For an embedded tick, signs and symptoms generally develop over several days but allergic symptoms can occur within hours.Select true or false. |
141 | What type of bite is the pressure-immobilisation technique (PIT) not recommended for? |
142 | You discover that your friend has a tick embedded in the skin of their shoulder. Appropriate first aid would be to:Select correct answer. |
143 | A child screams out while out in the garden. You rush over to her and see she is holding her hand. On closer observation, you suspect that she may have been stung by a Fire Ant because of the following signs and symptoms: |
144 | A man comes out of seawater in North Queensland experiencing severe pain. There are still some tentacles attached to his right leg with welts and a frosted pattern of sting marks. Which sea creature do you suspect has caused this?Select correct answer. |
145 | How should you treat someone who has been stung by a Box Jellyfish?Select correct answer. |
146 | How should you treat someone who has been stung by a Blue Bottle Jellyfish? |
147 | The common signs and symptoms that a person has been stung by a Bluebottle Jellyfish are: |
148 | Answer the following 17 questions based on the provided First Aid scenario below.
149 | What
did you witness / what did you find when you arrived on the scene? Link |
150 | How
would you assess for danger and what
actions would you take to minimise risk?
Link |
151 | How
would you conduct a visual and verbal assessment of
the casualty in this situation? Link |
152 | Note the Incident Details as per the provided scenario:
153 | Note the Incident Details as per the provided
scenario: |
154 | Note the Casualty Details as per the provided
scenario: |
155 | Note the initial observations you made of the
casualty before you commenced first aid? |
156 | Note the initial observations you made of the
casualty before you commenced first aid? |
157 | A young child who is normally quite active becomes unusually quiet and is seen to be frowning and rubbing their stomach. |
158 | What is the suspected nature of the
injury / trauma / illness? |
159 | Which of these 3 options lists the actions required to manage the scene of the accident, in the correct order? |
160 | What
happened once you finished assisting
the casualty? |
161 | How
would you recognise if you or others need additional support for possible psychological impacts after
facing such a scenario? |
162 | From the four (4) options listed below, select two (2) that correctly identify avenues a first
aider may choose for support |
163 | Note the Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) provided as
per the scenario. What appropriate equipment / PPE was on hand and readily available?
164 | What
additional training could help
you to improve or to correctly provide First Aid in this situation? |
165 | I
declare the work submitted in my E-Learning Assessment is my own work and that
I have not received assistance from anyone else. I
declare the personal details I have provided at enrolment are true and correct.
consent to Australia Wide First Aid to search for my USI (Unique
Student Identifier) number on my behalf, if the USI I have provided is not able
to be verified. |